
Your first class is $10. After that, we'll give you the info on our Six Weeks Unlimited Intro package, and we'll go from there!

Intro Package: Six Weeks Unlimited

Do-the-Work Money Back Guarantee: $99
Available to clients who have taken two or fewer classes.
Contract required.

OpenBarre Unlimited

Includes access to Virtual Classes
1 year unlimited: $999
Save $531
6 months unlimited: $530
Save $250

Single Classes & Multi-Packs

10-pack, 3 months validity: $130
Save $30
Single class: $16

Unlimited Autopay

Contract required.
1 year autopay: $89/month
Save $312
6 months autopay: $99/month
Save $96
3 months autopay: $115/month

Virtual Classes

Includes on-demand library and livestreams. Three new classes added per week!
1 year unlimited: $150
Save $30
Monthly unlimited: $15
20% discount available for UMD alumni, employees, and students on OpenBarre Unlimited and Autopay categories.